Get to Know
our officers
Get to Know
our leaders

Sharon Lowe
Founder, CEO and member
Sharon is the Founder and CEO of our organization. She started the organization as a way to serve the Warriors and community that she loves.
As both an Army mom and her experience with those that are contractors who serve oversees, she saw a need to assist the Warriors as they returned home.
Her long-term vision for the organization includes creating a network of relationships for Warriors and the community. She envisions a volunteer family that gives and receives; to create an exponential pay-it-forward community.
The strength of the organization motivates her resolve to reach those that need assistance. Her heart and passion for the K-9Line mission is endless, and she has a message for you: “You Are Not Alone. Reach out to our family.”

shawn salvi
Shawn Salvi, President of K-9Line, Inc., served in the US Army Reserves before joining the US Army (1985-1991) at the rank of E-4 specialist. She was blessed to represent the Army in multiple athletic endeavors stateside before several overseas deployments. After the service she pursued a degree with Criminal Justice with a minor in Crime Scenes and worked in law enforcement.
Shawn is a graduate of our program who realized that helping other veterans is what helps her heal. She brings a wealth of knowledge and energy to this organization. Her ownership of more than one service dog and her continued experience working with dogs and attending AKC College exemplifies her commitment.
Shawn believes in the power of what a dog can do for a veteran / anyone dealing with Post Traumatic Stress disorder conditions. She brings her passion for helping people to let you know that You Are Not Alone.

Maggie beckerman
vice president
Maggie Beckerman is the Vice-President of K-9Line. She served the Army for seven years as a Supply Sergeant. Maggie was deployed three times to the Middle East.
Her last deployment ended when her husband, Michael, was killed on a mission while they were both in Afghanistan. Maggie ended that deployment escorting him back to the United States.
After such a devastating life change and with many obstacles to overcome, she had to depart the Army. In her transition back to civilian life she felt a strong need to serve other Veterans.
As both a Graduate of the K-9 Line program with her Companion Gunther, and a Gold Star Wife, Maggie serves Warriors with unending energy and drive.
She embodies our K-9Line family. Connect with Maggie, you will quickly learn You Are Not Alone.

traci hershberger
Traci comes from a family with Navy and National Guard veterans and has seen how challenging the transition back to civilian life can be. She is acting as the corporation secretary and providing technical expertise to our web and social media presence.
Traci's skills are in program management, organization and the ability to get things done. She brings these skills to K-9Line's team to let our Warriors know they are not alone!

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our board of directors

Ron Allen
As a retired police officer, then as President and CEO of American Detection Technologies, Inc. (AMDETECH) he has more than 45 years of experience in law enforcement and detector dog training. He was a government contractor for explosive detector dogs, and explosive detection K9 teams in Afghanistan.
While a police officer in Massachusetts, he served as a member of the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council K-9 Training Minimum Standards Task Force and was chosen to be their first Director of K9 Training.
MA offered the first statewide K-9 minimum standards certification program in the U.S. Ron provided assistance to the Minimum Standards Task Forces of New York, Florida and Ohio.
He was also a K-9 Judge, Expert Witness, Administrator, Consultant, Program Developer, Trainer and Handler and Supervisor at various police departments in Massachusetts, Florida and Louisiana.
As a participant with Project Harmony, he was the first American police officer to teach detector dog training at the K9 police academy in Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia in 1994-1995 and Ukraine in 1997.
He is an internationally recognized expert in his field. Ron will continue to travel the world relaying to our Warriors "You Are Not Alone."

dr. carl barr
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Kip Schultz
Kip is currently serving as a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Schultz is an internationally recognized expert in the selection, training, and use of working dogs.
He has more than 30 years of experience in training and handling dogs for military, governmental, local
law enforcement and corporate organizations. He spent 8 years as a military working dog (MWD)
handler and trainer in the U.S. Marines. He honorably served in combat operations as an explosives dog handler and Kennel Master for US Marines during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
As one of the first two handlers deployed during the ground war in Kuwait, Mr. Schultz was subject to
enemy fire and led searches of urban combat terrain for enemy troops, explosive devices, and hidden caches of arms and explosives.
Mr. Schultz went on to train civilian law enforcement canines and pioneered the validation of remote scent trapping system with canines. He served as a consultant to the South African government for five years in a humanitarian demining supporting role training trace
detection canines and conventional searching landmine detection dogs. This work called for several thousands of REST Filters for trace contamination.
During his tenure he made numerous deployments into mined areas. He personally selected, trained and successfully deployed 119
mine detection dogs in support of United Nations operations.

anthony silva
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Leamon Viveros
Originally from Texas, Leamon grew up overseas in Micronesia, North Africa and Europe. After graduating from high school in Spain, he returned to Texas to attend university and graduate as a Medical Technologist.
Shortly afterward he obtained a pilot’s license and purchased a small airplane. Once while giving a ride to an Air Force Col, he was encouraged to join the USAF.
After 6 years in the Reserves, he volunteered to go active duty during Desert Storm. After several assignments he was encouraged to move to active duty by senior leadership in his field. This led to 18 more years of active duty service.
His last assignment as a Program Manager for a synthetic biology group at the Air Force Research Laboratory where he helped orchestrate a grand challenge for an engineering conference which included remote tracking of IED detection canines that work without a handler. It was here that he met fellow board member Ron Allen and a founder of K-9 Line.
After 24 years in the USAF, he retired and became the science advisor for K9Logops, a canine research company that performed research for the Army and Air Force. K9Logops was the company that spun off K9Line.
He was a good choice for a position as a Director for K9Line.
This significant mission allows him to continue to support his brothers in arms